Missionary Support

The Church at Creston was founded as a mission congregation seeking to spread the Gospel both locally and abroad. As part of that ministry we support and send out the following missionaries around the world to share and spread God's word. Please follow the links below to learn more about their work and how you can support it.

Rev. David and Shelee Werner

Church Planter - Cartagena, Spain
Rev. David and Shelee Warner serve the Lord in Spain, based in Cartagena. David serves as a church planter, working with the LCMS mission team and Spanish church leaders to grow the Spanish Lutheran Church. He leads Divine Service every Sunday in Cartagena or Madrid, visits and serves members across Spain and assists with pastoral formation and theological education. David was born, baptized and raised in Montana. Shelee was born and baptized in Oregon and grew up in Idaho. They met in Spanish class at the University of Idaho, Moscow.

Mark and Megan Mantey

Seminary Development - Uganda, Africa

Mark and Megan Mantey serve the Lord as missionaries in Uganda. Mark serves as the project manager for the seminary, managing the financial aspects of it and collaborating in the creation of a long-term business plan. As an instructor of Christian education and counseling, Megan teaches classes at the seminary and advises in its program development. Mark and Megan are also grateful to be involved in the daily life of the local community and the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU). Through these interactions, they build partnerships that assist the LCU to share the love of Christ and proclaim the Gospel.

In grateful response to God's grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Church at Creston  is to boldly make known the love and authority of Christ by word and deed within our church, homes, community, and the world.
